A Nebulizer is a device which administers medication in forms of a liquid mist to the airways. It is primarily used in the treatment of Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, and other respiratory diseases.

There are two nebulizer models available in the market.

* A jet nebulizer converts a pool of liquid medicine into an aerosol mist. It consists of an electric or battery-operated compressor attached to hollow tubing. The tubing connects to a cup which holds the liquid medication. Air then flows through the tube to the machine, creating a medicated mist which is inhaled through a mask.

* An ultrasonic Nebulizer uses high-frequency electrical vibrations, rather than compressed air to convert the medication to a mist.

Nebulizers can be used at any age. You’re able to mix more than one medicine, and they can all be given at the same time. The delivery of medicine is done during normal breathing. No special breathing techniques are needed to use a nebulizer.

Antibiotics: These medications fight lung infections caused by bacteria. They may be used for diseases, such as Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis. These medications improve lung function and also decrease further symptoms.

Bronchodilators: These medication stop body reflexes that make your airways smaller, to help you breathe easier. These effects may last for 4-6 hours (short-acting) or for 12 hours (long-acting). You may feel that your heart is beating faster or that your hands are shaking after using them.

Corticosteriods: These drugs decrease the inflammation in your airways. They may help if you often have trouble breathing from a long-term lung disease.

Prostanoids: These medications relax blood vessels and increase blood flow and oxygen to damaged areas of the lungs. They are used in those with severe (very bad) lung infection or sudden airway problems.

If your nebulizer breaks during the first 12 months of use, due to normal usage, please contact the CCP office at 1-800-919-3942, and we will instruct you on the necessary steps to take. There are different circumstances, therefore, each patient account would be reviewed. If the patient is asthmatic and administers daily treatments, CCP would ensure there would be no delay in treatments. View the nebulizer/compressor warranty policy for more information on replacement units.